This article was first posted on Gary Randall’s Faith and Freedom Blog.
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Yesterday, the New York Times, in a featured story, said, “Gov. Gavin Newsom of California, embarking on a personal post-mortem of the failures of his Democratic Party, suggested this week that the participation of transgender athletes in women’s sports was ‘deeply unfair.’”
The Times also noted that “Gov. Gavin Newsom of California has backed L.G.B.T.Q. causes for decades and was one of the earliest American elected officials to officiate at same-sex weddings.”
Now, he is comparing what he has called a “right” to something that is “unfair.”
He is also interviewing Charlie Kirk on his podcast. Charlie is a conservative Christian leader who founded Turning Point USA, an organization made up of thousands of young college-aged adults who want to turn our culture toward biblical truth and Judeo-Christian values.
Change of heart? Or change of strategy?
Be informed, not misled.
The New York Times began yesterday with this: “The remarks by Gov. Gavin Newsom of California, a potential White House hopeful, were an extraordinary break from fellow Democrats and signaled a newly defensive position on the issue.”
Extraordinary indeed.
T.S. Elliot wrote the poem “Hollow Men.” In it, he reflects the despair, apathy, and spiritual emptiness of a post-World War I society.
The poet calls them hollow men because they are inwardly empty and soulless. They are dead. They have no moral and spiritual qualities. They do not have noble ideas. Elliot’s modern men are soulless, faithless, and characterless.
His imagery also reflects, I believe, the hollowness of the far-left movement in America today.
The poem is lengthy, but Elliot begins by describing the hollowness, the emptiness of death without hope.
We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or rats’ feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar
Shape without form, shade without colour,
Paralysed force, gesture without motion;
The Times article began with this:
Gov. Gavin Newsom of California, embarking on a personal post-mortem of the failures of his Democratic Party, suggested this week that the participation of transgender athletes in women’s sports was “deeply unfair.”
The comments by Mr. Newsom, who has backed L.G.B.T.Q. causes for decades and was one of the first American elected officials to officiate same-sex weddings, represented a remarkable break from other top Democrats on the issue, and signaled a newly defensive position on transgender rights among many in his party.
Just as surprising as Mr. Newsom’s remarks was the person to whom he made them: Charlie Kirk, a 31-year-old right-wing influencer best known for starting Turning Point USA, the pro-Trump organization that is active on college campuses.
Mr. Newsom invited Mr. Kirk, who has a history of inflammatory and conspiratorial remarks, onto the debut episode of his new podcast, “This Is Gavin Newsom,” for an 81-minute discussion. The governor, who has long been fascinated with the conservative media ecosystem and tried to inject himself into it, explained his unlikely guest by saying, “People need to understand your success, your influence, what you’ve been up to.”
After several paragraphs of trying to undermine Kirk and his organization, this exchange took place between Kirk and Newsom.
The Times described it like this: “But his most significant revelation on his podcast, which was released on Thursday morning, came when Mr. Kirk pressed the California governor to agree with him that it was unfair for transgender women to compete in women’s sports.”
Newsom responded:
“I think it’s an issue of fairness; I completely agree with you on that. It is an issue of fairness. It’s deeply unfair.”
Breitbart News reported that Newsom made his declaration in an extended conversation with conservative activist Charlie Kirk, the 31-year-old who built the influential Turning Point USA organization that helped President Donald Trump increase his support last fall among the youngest generation of voters. Kirk, like Trump, has been a vocal opponent of allowing transgender women and girls to participate.
He also acknowledged the effectiveness of Mr. Trump’s signature campaign ad, which declared: “Kamala is for they/them. President Trump is for you.”
“It was devastating,” Newsom said. “And she didn’t even react to it, which was even more devastating.”
LGBTQIA+ response to Newsom.
They’re now asking if Newsom has been lying to them or is now lying to the conservatives.
Or has he had some kind of conversion?
Pastor Jack Wellman wrote this a while back:
“I believe prophets and politicians have a lot in common. They are supposed to speak for the common good of the people. They are to tell what is true. They are to give people hope, but then there is another similarity. The false prophet and the politician work in the same way. They promise what they themselves cannot deliver. They speak about huge problems but offer little in solutions. Politicians may wrap themselves in the flag just as a false prophet claims to speak the Word of God, but their promises are rarely kept, and the huge problems they talk about are too big for even them to handle. For example, in dealing with a state that’s near its debt ceiling, how can the governor promise to lower taxes while creating more school funding? They offer dozens of solutions for various problems, and yet they don’t tell us how they’ll do it or fund it. The old joke about knowing when a fisherman is lying; when his or her lips are moving, could nearly be said of those who are holding political office today. I am not saying every politician is like a false prophet, but I believe many are. They promise the moon, but have no idea how to deliver it.”
RE: Gov. Newsom.
I seriously doubt that he has experienced a conversion.
Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.