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Christian Education

Education in America is in a sad state. That is especially so with higher education, colleges and universities.Traditional education, at every turn, is being challenged, reduced, or eliminated and new educational subjects take hold. Places of higher education have become breeding grounds for radicals, revolutionary tactics, and rebellion against authority and the rule of law. Witness the takeovers and the tents, the camps, and the rabble rousers protesting, and especially exhibiting anti-Israel and anti-Semitic speech and conduct. Ironically, many of these protestors are not even college students, but rather so many paid troublemakers, paid by individuals like George Soros,


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Many believe the Biden administration, happily and now an historical footnote, fostered an anti-Christian approach to politics, culture, and…
Owe no man nothing, says the scripture.The fact remains, however, that every single American is in debt, EVERY ONE…
Donald J. Trump was elected the 47th president of the United States with both a campaign and a promise…
“LOVE IS THE GREATEST.””Even greater than faith, or hope, or any other thing.We celebrate the love of Valentine’s Day…