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Created Equal?

Once upon a time, there was a man sitting quietly by a pool of water. He was a very sick man, and doubted that he had very long to live. While he stared into the water, something stirred the water. It was almost as though a hand had swished the water back and forth, but no one else was there. Wondering, the man reached out his own hand and swished the water back and forth. As he did so, he began to feel better. Standing, he noticed that his pain was gone and he felt stronger. As the day


More Episodes

Over the years, a common objection people raised to religion is that, well, it’s pie in the sky. Religion,…
There seems to be a difference between a secret and a mystery. At the very least, the Bible seems…
I doubt if there are any words of Jesus more widely quoted and better known than his little statement…
Whatever image you have in your mind of Jesus Christ, it is surely wrong. None of his disciples told…