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Practicing Your Faith

Do you take your faith for granted? Or is it like a lot of married couples: We have been together for so long, we can complete sentences for each other. We can take one another for granted. And at some level that is a good thing. I can take it for granted that my wife will be faithful to me. I can take it for granted that she won’t bust the budget. I don’t have to check her credit card purchases. I only look at them to make sure that nobody is defrauding us with them. After 51 years


More Episodes

There seems to be a difference between a secret and a mystery. At the very least, the Bible seems…
I doubt if there are any words of Jesus more widely quoted and better known than his little statement…
Whatever image you have in your mind of Jesus Christ, it is surely wrong. None of his disciples told…
Nothing is more central to the Christian faith than baptism. Whether it be by immersion, sprinkling, or pouring, baptism…