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The Nones

What a joy it is to be a Christian, a real Christian. A biblically based Christian. A Christian who believes as a life-long credo:FOR BY GRACE ARE YOU SAVED THROUGH FAITHAND THAT NOT OF YOURSELVES,IT IS THE GIFT OF GODNOT OF WORKSLEST ANY MAN OR WOMAN SHOULD BOAST.That, my friends, is the real gospel, simply put as the real gospel is. The grace of God is almost undefinable, without boundaries, limits, magnificent, perhaps the chief characteristic of God the Father Almighty.The faith that saves NONES, is a simple one as well. It is faith just like that of a


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Work is good. Work is necessary for the fulfillment of every human being. Work is required of every person…
George Barna, he of the ARIZONA CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY, may well be the most respected Christian surveyist in America. In…
What makes a leader?Is a leader born, born with those natural leadership qualities, or is a leader made, made…
POLITICIANS LIE!All of them. Do you know of any politician at any level of government who tells the truth,…