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The Real Christian

Are you a Christian, a real Christian?You are indeed if, in fact, you are a Biblical Christian, Bible-believing, following the pathway to salvation, and eternal life which the Bible clearly indicates.You are a real Christian if you are an EPHESIANS 2:8-9 Christian:FOR BY GRACE ARE YOU SAVED THROUGH FAITH, THAT NOT OFYOURSELF, FOR IT IS THE GIFT OF GOD NOT OF WORKS LEST ANYMAN OR WOMAN SHOULD BOAST.You are indeed a real Christian if you are conscious of your need, conscious of SIN, confess that sin, seek the forgiveness and repentance of Jesus Christ, and accept and believe in


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Work is good. Work is necessary for the fulfillment of every human being. Work is required of every person…
George Barna, he of the ARIZONA CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY, may well be the most respected Christian surveyist in America. In…
What makes a leader?Is a leader born, born with those natural leadership qualities, or is a leader made, made…
POLITICIANS LIE!All of them. Do you know of any politician at any level of government who tells the truth,…