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The Vote – The Christian Vote

Do you intend to vote in this critical November election, do you?Are you registered to vote so that, unlike many others, you are a legally qualified voter?America needs your vote, YOUR VOTE! America needs your informed vote, a vote that is educated in the issues, understands the essential workings of politics and the government, and assuming you are Christian, voting for candidates and issues with the direction and guidance of your Christian conscience.YOU MUST VOTE!For many Christians, they seem to find reasons not to vote. If those Christians find the candidates personality, or private life, or public image objectionable,


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Christians believe they should share biblical solutions to America’s cultural issues.Rightly so, for our Lord told us as true…
We the people so privileged to live in America have so much to be thankful for. God has allowed…
“Elections 2024 are over, most thankfully!The campaigns for elections began so early and lasted so long that Americans experienced:ELECTION…
“It’s over! Finally, Elections 2024 are over and done with.It may have been, say many American legal citizens, the…