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God created man in his own image. God created male and female in his own image. And he blessed them, male and female.MALE AND FEMALE! Not lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, much less queer, whatever that is (LGBTQ). But male and female:MAN AND WOMAN.The woman, like the man, was created in the:IMAGE OF GOD.Why would anyone want to be less than what God created, especially if one, either male or female, man or woman, is created in the image of God, why? Can there be any higher status, identification, human understanding of WHO WE ARE then to know, BIBLICALLY SURE,


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So many of the governments, the ruling authorities in this temporal, human world, are controlled and run by dictators….
What a privilege it is to be an American citizen, really an unbelievable privilege.If you study the history of…
There comes, in some two short weeks, the most important and critical elections which our beloved America has ever…
Every four years it seems, we the people are told that we will face the most important election ever…