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In Touch Ministries

About This Show
Dr. Charles Stanley and In Touch Ministries’ daily radio program.

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Enjoy a life free of guilt by accepting Jesus’ substitionary death on the cross—where He forgave all your offenses….
Give your worries to God and live in the peace and joy He gives freely each day….
Reflect on what it means to be born again and become a new creation….
Have you ever made a decision you truly regret?…
Choose the right path that leads to everlasting life….
An eager anticipation of the Lord’s return keeps us living productively….
An eager anticipation of the Lord’s return keeps us living productively….
We learn more in our valley experiences than on our mountaintops….
Learn how if we are to love our neighbors as ourselves, we must love ourselves first….
We learn more in our valley experiences than on our mountaintops….
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