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In Touch Ministries

About This Show
Dr. Charles Stanley and In Touch Ministries’ daily radio program.

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Become inspired by the motivation and results of Daniel’s commitment to stand by his biblical beliefs….
Deepen your knowledge about the pattern for humility we see in the life of Jesus—who lived and walked as…
Dr. Stanley uses the life of Joshua to discuss the benefits of meditating on Scripture….
Dr. Stanley uses the life of Joshua to explain why meditating on Scripture and adhering to its principles are…
Face each of life’s challenges with boldness and faith since no fear is greater than God’s ability to lead…
Exalt the Lord by being like God’s servant Gideon—courageous, obedient, and fully trusting in His guidance and help….
Learn from the life of Noah how to be bold and obey God despite facing barriers or difficulties….
Oppose the world’s viewpoint of gaining riches and glory and instead follow the pattern of service Christ set before…
Find out how to tame your tongue by bringing it under the authority of the Holy Spirit…
Dress yourself in the full armor of God and win the spiritual war each day….
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