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Leading The Way

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On today’s Leading The Way, Dr. Michael Youssef looks at David’s response, confession, and healing from his epic fail…
On the next Leading The Way, Dr. Michael Youssef guides you into one of the better-known seasons in King…
Today on Leading The Way, Dr. Michael Youssef takes you back into the life of David through his life-changing…
On the next Leading The Way, Dr. Michael Youssef shows how David’s prayer revealed his humility before God ….
Join special teacher, Jonathan Youssef for Leading The Way. See how an mishap’ with the Ark of the…
On the next Leading The Way, Dr. Michael Youssef opens to the pages of First Samuel for a message…
On the next Leading The Way AUDIO, Dr. Michael Youssef offers practical wisdom from David’s life to give you…
On this episode of Leading The Way, Dr. Michael Youssef guides you to a time in David’s life when…
On this episode of Leading The Way, lessons from the life of David as he becomes a man who…
On today’s Leading The Way, Dr. Michael Youssef looks at King David. He’s defeated Goliath, experienced amazing victories,…
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