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Thru the Bible with Dr. J. Vernon McGee

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Nothing good comes from turning our backs on God. It’s a sobering reality we see in the people of…
As our study of the Old Testament book of Hosea continues, we learn we’ve got a lot in common…
A great many people think they can live the Christian life in their own strength, which always means defeat….
In Hosea, chapter 2, we’ll learn that even though Israel will be disciplined, God is not through with them….
Have you ever wondered if we can out sin God? Or to put it another way, Can we ever…
Have you heard the story of the husband whose wife ran away not just once, but twice, for a…
In our first study, we’ll learn Hosea’s tragic story is a model of God’s broken heart for the nation…
Our study in the New Testament book of Hebrews concludes with a terrific summary. We are called to put…
Hebrews 13 says, Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today and forever. Not only is this one of the…
Have you ever experienced an earthquake? The ground you’re standing on shifts and sways and unfamiliar rumbling sounds come…
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